Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Price of the Education

At least from what we know now, Lee and I both can hardly believe this type of training is available at this price. It cost us over $9,000 per semester in the Case Western Reserve University entrepreneurship program. And I would have only graduated with a degree - no experience. John Osher spoke to our class and sort of chuckled at us. He certainly didn't have an MBA and didn't feel like he needed one.

Grilling the help

I called this afternoon to ask Glenn Peters a question. Clarissa, who I gather is the EWI corporate receptionist, answered the phone. She was perfectly happy to pass me right along to Glenn - and I interrupted her doing so. I asked:

Q: "How long have you been with the company?"
A: "About a month and a half."

Q: "How did you decide to work with EWI?"
A: "They sort of pulled me out of a hat."

Q: "What do you think of it as a place to work?"
A: "They have this integrity thing going on."

Q: "Really? What do you mean by that?"
A: "Well, I think these guys know what they are talking about. I am trying to keep my ears open. And I've started doing some reading on my own."

Q: "Can you tell me more about the people?"
A: "A lot of these guys already have businesses of their own. They are in here because they want to be here. A bunch of them have been around a long time."

It has been my experience that often the receptionist is both in the know and has a pretty good sense of how people act when nobody else is looking. No, I have not data to support my assertions. And I personally rely on admins to get a feel for organizations and their culture.

Don't take my word for it though. Call 'em.

Fwd: My application

From: Chip Nowacek []
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 2:11 PM
To: Glenn Peters
Subject: My application

Hey Glenn,

Any chance I can get a copy of the application I submitted to you. I want to post (some of) it on my blog.

The adventure begins.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Glenn Peters <>
Date: Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 4:15 PM
Subject: RE: My application
To: Chip Nowacek <>

*** Note:  Please do not use your "Reply" function to reply to this email ***
         You must reply to the address specified in the form below.

Robert G Allen

Relevant Tools "Multiple Streams Of Income Challenge Application" form completed:

Source:                   Multiple Streams Of Income Challenge Application
Type:                     signup
First Name:               Chip
Last Name:                Nowacek
Phone:                    216-469-4843
Address:                  2314 Lamberton Road
city:                     Cleveland Heights
State:                    Ohio
Postal Code:              44118
Country:                  United States of America
Robert Allen Training:    No
What Program:            
The One Minute Millionaire:  x
Believe in Yourself:      Yes
Ethically Okay:           Yes
Other Peoples Money:      x
Other Peoples Experience:  x
Other Peoples Time:       x
Other Peoples Ideas:      x
Other Peoples Work:       x
Buy with Bad Credit:      find a partner with good credit
Where get money:          Borrow from savings/checking.
Employment Status:        employed
Retirement Amount:        $100,000 or More
Savings Amount:           $10,000 - $20,000
Do you own your residence:  Owner
Your Credit Condition:    good
Do you own a credit card?:  Yes
Credit Cards Maxed:       No
Explain financial situation.:  Building my 7th company - counting my junior high paper route. I wouldn't consider myself some raging, headline news success story - yet. And I am only interested in notoriety if it forwards a good purpose. I am happiest at home.
Favorite Stream of Income:  Business and Marketing
Annual Income Goal:       $200,000 - $500,000
How Urgent for Goals:     24 - 36 Months
Explain Financial Goals:  I'm tired of thinking about myself. I learned a lesson about finances from my grandfather. He grew more zucchini than he could possibly eat. His delight was to give it away. I believe we are supposed to be financial pipes instead of leaky buckets.
Understand Must Change:   Yes
Committed person:         Yes
Time Commitment:          Yes
Do the Assignments:       Yes
Explain Why  select you:  You're trying to find people to make your point about success. You want to find someone who will increase your chances of doing so. Well, in my 43 years, I haven't met anyone more ready to make a really big leap forward than I am right now. And you'll have to judge for yourself. You see, while money is important, what I become while I am working to earn it is far more valuable to me. Earning is fine. Having the capacity to earn is the real asset.
Currently Paying Tithing:  Yes
Charity Commitment:       Yes
Charity Desires:          Time, energy, love, kindness, encouragement, coaching, money (as long as it builds individuals instead of creating dependency), and whatever else I have. I am happiest when I am giving. It's really the only reason to "get" - beyond meeting basic needs.
Yes, testimonial:         x
Yes, investment:          x
Notes for Selection Committee:  Good luck in putting your team together. I wish you the best of success in this project and all others you undertake. Let me know how I might be able to forward your good purposes now or in the future.

IP address:

Beginnings and endings

I don't really know where to start - and I am going to start anyway.

Lee and I are excited - in a long-term growth kind of way. This marks the beginning of a new framework in which we hope to build. With EWI, I feel I have finally fallen in with people that think that it's nuts just to be doing one thing for income. I can't tell you how many people I have spoken with over the years who have left me feeling foolish - or worse - about not having settled on a career. Maybe saying I am going to do lots of different things for the rest of my life is settling down into a career. Maybe. It is at least unconventional in the neck of the woods I stumbled out of.

My relationship with EWI started unceremoniously last Saturday night. I googled "multiple streams income" and up it popped. I found the questions they asked of me were some of the most intelligent I have encountered. I had to grant that it might well be some slick marketing fronting some financial venus fly trap.

So far, that's not how it has worked out.

Glenn Peters ( has answered all the questions we have put to him up to this point. I doubt we will ever have all of our questions answered simply because I never stop asking them. I feel very comfortable asking Glenn about anything. He's a patient man. It was clear that he had read through my application and wanted to understand my responses therein and ones I provided on the phone.

Though I am a little shy about doing so, I will post my initial submission to EWI on this blog shortly. I do so for the purposes of transparency - and ask for your support. Your encouraging words and thoughts would mean so much to us as we go through this process. And we'd really enjoy your company if you decided to enroll too. Please let them know we recommended the program to you if you decide it's right for you. With EWI's affiliate program, I hope to pay my tuition with referrals. Again, only if it is something that's right for you. Your words and well wishes will mean far more to us in the long-term than any short-term money deal.

So - beginnings and endings.

Oh. I guess I forgot to mention endings. Well, it feels like we are saying goodbye to a way of life. It has been an important era - one in which we have learned many things. And, for new things to grow, the old must pass away. Things have to end for others to begin.

It's time to move on.

We sincerely hope you'll subscribe to this blog - and help us keep in touch with you in as many other ways as we can and you want. Again, your kindness, care, and encouragement mean the world to us. We hope you'll let us know how we can cheer you on in all that you hope to do and become in your life.

Thanks again.